I just read something on the alcatraz site about something Tex-related called "A Black Sun Ascending", though the news was back in 2003 apparently. I couldn't find anything about it aside from a summary. Anyone know what ever happened to this project? http://www.geocities.com/timessquare/l...
November 21, 2006 • 12:29 am
by feizhu
re: What made Tex Murphy games great
Lol, ahhh poor clint howard... But yah I agree, I really enjoyed the characters, especially CJ's character (of course). The story of a hard-luck, hard-boiled PI who's still hanging on to his ideals. He could have very easily have been a completely one-sided character like in the stereotypical detect...
August 27, 2005 • 4:15 pm
by feizhu
Are there any more episodes aside from the six from that website?
August 26, 2005 • 3:24 pm
by feizhu
What made Tex Murphy games great
Just curious as to what everyone's opinions are on this is--What, in your opinion, made the Tex Murphy games so great?
August 26, 2005 • 4:00 am
by feizhu
re: Predicting the Future! Today!
Would The Adventure Game Company possibly fund this new Tex game?
August 18, 2005 • 8:52 pm
by feizhu