Rest in Peace - A Thread for People Who Have Passed Away

The beloved voice of Casey Kasem has been silenced at the age of 82...
The Paved Straight Road, Won't Always Get You Farther Than The Winding Dirt Road...

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The great Eli Wallach died today at 98.

He was fantastic in every role he played, but he was simply awesome as Tuco in "The Good, The Bad and the Ugly."

I was obviously a big fan, but I didn't realize he was pushing 100.

So Long Tuco.
Goddammit... I really, really love Eli Wallach's work. It saddens me to hear of his passing.

Pirates, vampires, zombies, ninjas, ghouls, aliens, goblins, monsters, robots, sorcerers, undead, werewolves, demons, mutated dinosaur-cyborgs and those pesky phone salesmen! The shotgun is a one-size-fits-all solution!
OMG, I had no idea he was still alive. Well, while it's sad he's gone, it's also kind of hard to be too upset, given that he lived as long as he did.
Ни усталости, ни страха... Бьются ночь и бьются день... Только серая папаха лихо сбита "набекрень"!
Truly yours,
(С уважением,
James Garner died today at the age of 86.... RIP
tex murphy is back in town
Maverick?! Rockford?!

Ok, plumgas, my heart just broke. I absolutely loved watching him on tv as a kid.
One Mean, Green-Eyed Fitch.
All friends were "reaped"! One Hundred Deaths are after us! We are riding through Russia. Maybe straight to Hell?
Truly yours,
(С уважением,
A visit from the Punisher? Nah...

Ok, I really don't get how your post fits this particular thread. Not that I'm complaining. I've strayed far from a thread's path too. But, you've lost me in this patch of woods, Alexander.
One Mean, Green-Eyed Fitch.
Надоело нам "на дело" свои "перышки" таскать, мамы-папы прячьте девок, мы идем любовь искать! Надоело нам "волыны" маслом мазать день-деньской, отпусти маманя сына, сын сегодня "холостой"!

Truly yours,
(С уважением,
But all I get out of that is the weird sound of alot of flem being coughed up when I pretend to read it. It reads like this:


Now, if you really want to tell anyone what you meant by the cryptic little bit you wrote in english, please do. I'm curious as to what your brain is actually trying to tell us. And to be honest, I'm trying very hard to not be a smartass.

But It's wearing thin... oh, bugger... my thin veneer of civility is melting off....
One Mean, Green-Eyed Fitch.
Ответь Вашингтон и Канбера ответь. Давно ли по-русски вы начали петь?
Truly yours,
(С уважением,
silvermitt wrote:But It's wearing thin... oh, bugger... my thin veneer of civility is melting off....
Relax silvermitt, it's Russian, it's supposed to be cryptic - even Russians can't really figure it out 8)
I'm not sure who's more rotten, Chandler...You or me? hheheee....
One Mean, Green-Eyed Fitch.
Rotten? No.
Old? Definitely.

Come to think of it, probably old enough that dry rot has started at the core.