Amazon Guardian of Eden

Here's a Tex Murphy like game I just discovered you may have overlooked. It's made by the boys at Access has a cameo in Pandora, plays like Martian Memorandum, and has chapters similar to the days in Under A Killing Moon and you can download it for free.
what is it?
"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do"

"ERROR: Error Code Does Not Indicate An Error"
Probably Amazon Guaridan of Eden
Yeah it's Amazon Guardian of Eden. Sorry for stating the obvious.
Where is it found? (Sorry, another obvious sort of question)
When my brother bought his copy of Marian Memorandum 10 years ago two of the disks didn't work, so he wrote Access software and they sent him Amazon for free to make up for it. It's a pretty good game..never finished it. Should download it again...
Thanks. Now I've just got to find out how to get it to work on XP.
Around the time of Martian Memorandum, Access came out with another title you may be interested in. I remember playing it when it was new. It is called Countdown. The interface is similar to Martian Memorandum. The game is a darker setting than MM though. Anyway, it isn't quite as good as MM but still a good game in its own right. You can find it here...
"Frankie says 'Relax and wear a Hawaiian shirt' ". --Tex Murphy, PI