If anyone is interested, I posted the second part of my story: Tex Murphy Juror #44 in the fan fiction board. I hope it's worthy of your perusal. Also, I am now working on Part 3, the finale.
"If you look to me for illumination, you better have a flashlight!"
Holy cow Jim! Been a while! How have you been?

-Cub. =o)
Give Jim a break Matt. He's old now: takes him a couple of days to get from his bedroom to the computer, then a couple more to get back to bed :lol:
That was hilari..... (I'll post the rest of the word tomorrow; I'm a little tired right now).
"If you look to me for illumination, you better have a flashlight!"
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I have been asking about you myself, been a bit worried about you it has been so long,
tex murphy is back in town
Thanks, Lynn. Always a pleasure hearing from dear friends - Even Cub. :D
"If you look to me for illumination, you better have a flashlight!"
Thanks! wait, wait a minute!? :lol:

-Cub. =o)
Hey Jim; nice to know even we old shi..., er, I mean "old folks" get a modicum of respect and concern every now and then ;)
(Yawn.) Hey Chandler, et al. Sorry for the long delay in posting. I went to sleep after my last post (12/6/17) and just woke up yesterday. Did I miss any news? I missed winter and that ain't all bad.

You're right, Chandler, us "old folks" deserve a little respect, although I'm not sure what to do with it when it comes my way.

Nice to see some are still posting here. This was once the very hub of exciting Tex news, updates, and dear relationships. I love the old days, but it is not without reason they are called "the old days". It's really good Tex is still alive and kicking butt and taking names, no matter where and when we meet.

Long Live Tex! (Yawn.) I think I'll go back to bed for a while. Love ya all!
"If you look to me for illumination, you better have a flashlight!"
It's great that Tex news has spread to a wider circle but this has for a very long time been the home of Tex and the FOTs. Great to hear from you JTOG.
I suppose Jim you have heard about the upcoming Poisoned pawn, but it looks like only people with a high spec pc will be able to play it. However you will be able to watch a playthrough on youtube when it comes out.
tex murphy is back in town