kickstarter & psypal

plumgas wrote:I think its time we parted company, surely the is another board that you can spend your time.
Personally I've had a gutfull of this
i`m not the insult-starter, why are you telling this to me?
Bafitis doesn't have to write a frigging novella every time my voice just says something mean. Good gravy, it obviously doesn't help, so why keep doing it?

my voice just is a jerk but that's his appeal. He has the cajoneys to post things I'm thinking but won't post. What's so good about that? Sometimes someone has tell it like it is instead of pussy-footing around. Otherwise, low-quality posting will continue because everyone's afraid to tell someone that what they are posting is stupid. And he doesn't take 3 paragraphs to do it.

Have some of his posts annoyed me? Yes, but so what? I'm not going to let some guy on the internet bother me. Also, I find his posts funny more often, so it balances out for me.

my voice just keep on posting you jerkhole
thanks for the right words, jane
on my way against stupidity!
fighting for high-quality posting one message at a time
my voice just wrote:high-quality posting
my voice just wrote:influenced by during 2004-2005
(Ruri_Ayanami from the old Tex Murphy ezboard).
"I don't believe in intuition, don't know why... just a feeling." - Tex Murphy
I'm locking this thread now, and I suggest that everyone - and, yes, I mean everyone - take a step back and think carefully about how you post from now on. The renewed interest in the Tex series has directed a brighter spotlight on this site and we've seen a sharp increase in new members - and I'm determined that we will continue to be a positive representation of Tex's fanbase.

I have been pretty lenient in the past about the quality and candor of posts made on this site, trusting that our community is capable of a certain level of self-moderation. For the most part, I still believe that to be true, but I'll now be taking a more active role in monitoring and responding to activity that falls short of the standards that this community is known for. Additionally, I'll be putting together an official "Terms of Use" document for the site to outline what kind of content and conduct will be allowed.

Finally, let me take this opportunity to remind everyone about the "Friends" and "Foes" lists that can be created in your account settings. If you have a personal issue with any particular member, you can add their username to your "Foes" list, and their posts will no longer display in full.

If anyone has questions, comments or suggestions about this, please feel free to PM me.

Thanks all,