The Nintendo NX & Nintendo for PC thread ... pc-mobile/

Pretty much as it says on the tin.

I'm only semi-surprised because I believe they're discontinuing the Nintendo Club and this would seem to be taking its a degree. There's obviously a lot we do not know so I guess all we can do is speculate.

Suffice to say, I do not ever need to buy another Nintendo console. Ever again. If the deal really is as good as it so far hints at being, then any of the current or retro Nintendo titles can just be played on a PC or tablet. But that's just me speculating.

But props to Nintendo .Smart move. I always believed that since around the Wii or possibly even the Gamecube that the glory days of Nintendo as a console manufacturer were on the downward spiral. They certainly made their revenue but it never held a candle to the 1990s. But, they still have the software downpat. All I ask that this deal also includes Virtual Console releases on PC too with full screen support without the vertical bars. I'm genuinely excited and really do not see the need to ever own a Nintendo console again. Happy to continue with Nintendo on my own systems. 
Do you really think this could replace the Wii and U?
Nintendo seem to think so. Let's face it, since Nintendo Wii, as a hardware manufacturer they've only ever released stuff that's good for the 6 month block that it was released in. Wii U was their first ever Blu-ray device which followed AFTER Xbox 360 and PS3. Not only this, despite being launched prior to XB1 and PS4, the hardware specs were arguably dated. PC based Nintendo will enable users to overcome the hardware slump Nintendo seem to be suffering of late.
but what about the controllers? How do you play Wii Bowling without the controller?
Either use your own PC equipment (keyboard, mouse, xbox controllers) or Nintendo will create USB controllers. Most likely all of the above I'd say.
If they made their Wii IR receiver USB that would help a lot.